About Us
Our Mission
We strive to be a premier asset manager by delivering superior risk-adjusted returns through due diligence, uncompromising ethics and integrity. Our impact investment, promoting sustainable development in communities, seeks returns beyond pure profit.
Our Values
We value ethics, integrity, due diligence and market insight. We will not indulge in self-satisfaction, nor will we stop innovating. We seek a positive impact on the community and change where it matters.
Our Development
We are forward-looking in embracing financial services’ trend and cutting-edge technology to provide excellent inclusive financial services to our clients.
Shenzhen office established
Subsidiary became Hong Kong Science Park tenant focusing on credit scoring research
Subsidiary became a successful applicant of Hong Kong Cyberport’s Fintech Proof-of-Concept Subsidy Scheme
Money lender’s license was granted in Hong Kong
Solomon launched Concerto, an initiative focusing on financial inclusion research
Solomon International Group Limited, a financial group of SFC-licensed corporation was founded